After reading this article you will learn about:- 1. Meaning of Hypchondriacal Neuroses 2. Aetiology of Hypchondriacal Neuroses 3. Treatment.

Meaning of Hypchondriacal Neuroses:

The struggle over masturbation and a sense of guilt leads to another form of neuroses which is called Hypochonderia. It is usually found in adolescents because of masturbation during puberty.

According to Franz (1950) “it is actually not a disease entity but a syndrome which appears in different neurotic and psychotic symptoms, particularly in depression and Schizophrenia.” This may develop phobia for cancer, T.B. or syphits.

The outstanding emotional features and characteristics are depressive mood, anxiety and various bodily sensations. Also withdrawal of interest from the object to the self, a need for punishment caused by guilt feelings and a displacement of anxiety are other important accompaniments.

There is also apprehension of some organic diseases. According to Shanmugam “when neurasthenic symptoms of weakness, fatigue, irritability, insomnia, indigestion etc., is accompanied by preoccupation with the complaints, it is called hypochondriacal neuroses”.

Duke and Nowicki (1979) hold that it is frequently considered to be a chronic disorder with a small possibility of improvement. Duke and et al further hold. “The hypochondriac is often self centred, self occupied, attention getter who fits snugly into the role of a sick person. Sickness can evoke secondary gain in the form of sympathy and attention from others as well as provide a convenient excuse for failure”.

Hypochondria is more found among women and in old age. Those women who are frustrated in their demands for admiration of others, give their bodies all the attention they previously got from their admirers.

The hostile impulses arising out of frustration revive competitive spirit, hostility, Oedipus guilt and sibling rivalry. This guilt feeling creates the need for suffering. Suffering acts as a compensation for exaggerated self interest.

Aetiology of Hypchondriacal Neuroses:

The main psychodynamic cause behind hypochondria according to psychoanalyst is excessive masturbation followed by total sexual abstinence. Due to masturbation they develop heterosexual dislikeness. But lateron, he observed this explanation of hypochondria to be faulty.

Increased narcissistic need caused by the frustration of the wish to be loved is the primary factor behind hypochondria. The continuation of the wish to be loved and to suffer at the same time gives rise to hypochondriacal symptoms.

The displacement of anxiety is a defence against castration fear. The hypochondriacal displaces his fear to another part of the body. Essentially this is a mechanism similar to that seen in phobia.

The selection of the specific organ depends partly upon the nature of the guilt conflict and partly upon more accidental factors. The previously diseased organ may be the first occasion for a hypochondria person in whom the psychodynamic situation is ripe for the development of such symptoms. In such cases the selection of the organ may completely depend upon the psychological factors.

The behaviourist explanation of hypochondria is that the symptoms of hypochondria are learnt from parents. The over concern, undue attention and excessive anxiety of the parents regarding the safety and health of their children may contribute to the onset of the disease.

Treatment of Hypchondriacal Neuroses:

Psychotherapy proves to be unsuccessful in case of the hypochondriac patient. However, behaviour modification has proved effective.