Archive | Behaviour

How do Psychologist Learn about Human Behaviour? | Psychology

How do psychologists actually go about the task of adding to our knowledge about human behavior? Primarily, you'll soon see, through the use of three basic procedures: observation, correlation and experimentation. 1. Observation: Describing the World around Us: One basic technique for studying behavior—or any other aspect of the world—involves carefully observing it as it occurs. Such observation is not [...]

By |2018-04-24T10:27:03+00:00April 24, 2018|Human Behaviour|Comments Off on How do Psychologist Learn about Human Behaviour? | Psychology

Evolutionary Ecological Approach to Human Behaviour | Psychology

In this article we will discuss about the evolutionary ecological approach to human behaviour. In general, animal behaviour researchers have been even more insistent that the human sciences need an evolutionary and ecological theoretical framework than that they need ethological methods. How have more specific lower-level theories imported from animal behaviour informed research on human beings? The question is best [...]

By |2017-08-22T10:13:11+00:00August 22, 2017|Human Behaviour|Comments Off on Evolutionary Ecological Approach to Human Behaviour | Psychology

Human Behaviour and Sex Differences | Psychology

In addition to core gender identity and sexual orientation, several other human behaviours, sometimes called gender role behaviours, show sex differences. They include: (a) Childhood play, (b) Aggression, (c) Interest in parenting or nurturing, (d) Certain cognitive abilities, and (e) Manifestations of neural asymmetry, such as hand preferences for writing and neural asymmetries for language processing. (a) Childhood Play: Several [...]

By |2017-08-22T10:13:10+00:00August 22, 2017|Human Behaviour|Comments Off on Human Behaviour and Sex Differences | Psychology
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