Archive | Theory

Theories of Employee Motivation

Everything you need to know about theories of employee motivation in Management. The primary tasks of management is to get the things done through and by the people for the attainment of the common goals of an organisation. The success or failure of a business concern depends basically upon the performance given by the people working in it. Therefore, it [...]

By |2023-02-17T17:38:08+00:00June 18, 2019|Theories of Motivation|Comments Off on Theories of Employee Motivation

Levinson’s Theory: Stages of Adult Life | Human Development | Psychology

Before concluding this discussion of social development during our adult years, we'll briefly describe one theory that considers the changes and transitions we experience during our adult lives, the controversial theory pro­posed by Levinson (1986). Because it is a stage theory. However, Levinson's theory deals in part with aspects of social development, so it makes sense to consider it here. [...]

By |2018-04-24T10:27:02+00:00April 24, 2018|Levinson's Theory|Comments Off on Levinson’s Theory: Stages of Adult Life | Human Development | Psychology

Piaget’s Theory: Discrete Stages of Cognitive Development | Psychology

Piaget's theory of cognitive development is a stage theory, a type of theory suggesting that all human beings move through an orderly and predictable series of changes. We'll have reason to examine other stage theories in our discussions of adult development and personality. Currently, however, many psychologists question the ideas, basic to such the­ories, that (1) all human beings move [...]

By |2018-04-24T10:27:01+00:00April 24, 2018|Piaget's Theory|Comments Off on Piaget’s Theory: Discrete Stages of Cognitive Development | Psychology
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