After reading this article you will learn about the Attention Required for Education:- 1. Meaning of Attention 2. Nature of Attention 3. Characteristics 4. Educational Implications.

Meaning of Attention:

Attention is an important mental process. Without it, other mental processes, like imagination, learning and thinking etc. are neither possible nor useful. We cannot think about anything unless we concentrate our attention on it.

Attention is considered that faculty which may be diverted towards any object at will. Attention, instead of being a mental faculty, is a part of mental activity. It is also a selective process. When we pay our attention towards any stimulus, it means that we have removed our attention from other stimuli. Our mind selects only one stimulus, which is best suited to it, for paying attention. Attention also depends on one’s interest.


Given below are a few definitions of attentions:


“Attention, from whatever angle we consider, it is in the last analysis a motivational process.”


“Attention in simply connection so far as it requires for its satisfaction further cognizance of its subjects.”

Mc Dougal:

“Attention is merely conation or striking considered from the points of its effect on cognitive process.”

Nature of Attention:

The following are some of the nature of attention:

i. Attention is a mental process and not a mental power.

ii. There can be no attention in the absence of interest.

iii. The thought of conscious life is impossible in the absence of attention.

iv. Attention creates readiness for doing a work.

v. Attention is a selective process.

vi. Attention is a past of consciousness, it does not mean consciousness.

Characteristics of Attention:

The following are some of the characteristics of attention:

(i) Attention is always changing.

(ii) Attention is always an active center of our experience.

(iii) It is selective.

(iv) Attention is continuous.

(v) Attention increases the clarity of the object.

(vi) It is indivisible.

(vii) The limitation of attention somewhat depends upon relation between the things.

Educational Implications:

Attention plays a vital role in teaching learning process. Without attention learning cannot be effective. It helps a child to grasp things better. It is a must to learn a skill. Lesson studied with greater attention lasts long. Thus, attention is quite vital to learning.

The following are the educational implications of attention:

i. The teacher should try to secure attention of the children in teaching-learning situation.

ii. The teacher should create a conducive environment at the time of teaching in order to concentrate full attention among the children.

iii. The learning atmosphere should be free from all possible distracting factors.

iv. In order to create attention the teacher should try to motivate the students at each stage of teaching.

v. Diagrams, figures and pictures should be drawn at the time of need.

vi. Audio-visual aids should be used properly.

vii. The teacher should move use of gestures, postures, actions and demonstrations at the time of teaching.

viii. The students should be involved actively in teaching-learning activities.

ix. Fear of punishment and rude behaviour of teacher should be avoided.

x. The teacher should show a fair and impartial treatment to all the students in the class.

The discussed steps will definitely help the students to create attentions among them-selves in the teaching learning situations.