After reading this article we will learn about the Behavioural Problems at Different Stages of Human Development:- 1. Behavioural Problems of Infancy Stage 2. Behavioural Problems at Childhood Stage 3. Adolescence Stage 4. Remedial Measures.
Behavioural Problems of Infancy Stage:
The following problems are seen at infancy stage:
1. The infants are unable to perform physical work as their muscles and bones are not developed.
2. They are unable to express their feelings due to lack of their language development.
3. Problems relating to crawling, walking etc.
4. Problems of quarrelling with the peer groups.
5. Problems of adjustment.
Behavioural Problems at Childhood Stage:
The following are the problems at childhood stage:
1. Problems relating to fickleness of the children.
2. Problems relating to adjustment in school.
3. Problems relating to adjustment with playmates.
4. Problems relating to academic success.
5. Problems of self-identity.
Behavioural Problems at Adolescence Stage:
The following are the problems of adolescents:
1. Problems relating to rapid physical development
2. Problems relating to sex.
3. Problems of security.
4. Problems of gregariousness.
5. Problems of adjustment at home, school and society.
6. Problems relating to occupational adjustment.
7. Perplexed problems of self-identity.
8. Problems of recognition
9. Problems relating to values
10. Problems relating to social adjustment
Remedial Measures for Behavioural Problems:
Some remedial measures should be taken at home and for solving the behavioural problems of children.
They are as follows:
1. The children should not be neglected by the parents at home.
2. The parents should not impose values or exercise authoritative control on the children.
3. Children should be given opportunity to imitate the noble activities of elders.
4. Any unsocial activities on the presence of the children should be avoided.
5. Cordial relationship should be established at home.
6. Socialized activity programmes should be organized in the school.
7. Teacher should be very cooperative to the students in the school.
8. Activities should be provided for proper utilization of leisure time.
9. Group activities should be strengthened in the school.
10. Moral teachings must be imparted in the school.
11. Children should be given freedom to express their feelings.
12. Discussion, debates, literary discussions, seminars should be organized for the proper mental development of the children.
13. Guidance activities should be strengthened for solving different behavioural problems among the children.