After reading this article you will learn about the Secondary Education System in India:- 1. Meaning of Secondary Education System 2. Aims and Objectives of Secondary Education.
Meaning of Secondary Education System:
Secondary education occupies a very strategic position in the educational pattern of the country. It is the link between primary education and higher education. Primary education is intended to provide minimum requirements for survival where as secondary education enables an individual to become a full members of the complicated society.
After independence our country achieved a great remarkable changes in the field of secondary education. The Government of India, Soon after attainment of independence appointed a number of committees and commissions to review the system of secondary education.
The various committees recommended certain suggestions for the improvement of secondary education both quantitatively and qualitatively. Tara hand Committee in 1948 suggested the multipurpose type of secondary schools without discouraging the unipurpose schools.
The university education commission 1948-49 which was appointed under the chairmanship of Dr. S. Radhakrishnan, remarked that “our secondary education remains the weakest link in our educational machinery and needs urgent reform.” The landmark in the reconstruction of India’s secondary education is the secondary education commission report 1952-53.
The commission was appointed by the Government of India, on September 23, 1952, under the chairmanship of Dr. A. Lakshmanswami Mudaliar to review the existing defects in the secondary education and made some suggestions regarding the improvement of secondary education.
Aims and Objectives of Secondary Education:
Various committees have given their valuable suggestions regarding the aim and objectives of secondary education after independence.
They are as follows:
Aims of secondary education according to secondary education commission (1952-53):
1. To bring all round development among the learner.
2. To train the young mass of the country to be good citizens who will be competent to play their part effectively in the social and economic development of the country.
3. To promote social virtues, intellectual development and practical skills of students.
4. To Train character of students to enable them to participate creatively as citizens in the emerging social order.
5. To improve practical and vocational efficiency of the students.
6. To develop a scientific attitude of mind to think objectively.
7. To inculcate the qualities necessary for living harmoniously and efficiently with one’s fellowmen.
8. To develop artistic and cultural interests which are essential for self-expression and development of all round personality of pupils.
Objectives of secondary education according to Indian Education Commission (1964-66):
1. The main objective is “national reconstruction by raising the standard of living of our people.”
2. The education is to meet the needs of a modernizing democratic and socialistic society.
3. It would promote productivity.
4. It would strengthen social and national integration.
5. It would consolidate democracy to adopt as a way of life.
6. It would accelerate the pace of modernization.
7. It would enable students to participate in productive work in school, home, workshop, form and factory etc.
8. It would develop social, moral and spiritual values among the students.
As per the recommendations of Indian Education commission, education was reconstructed for the economic and cultural development of the country. Importance was given on qualitative development of secondary education by relating education with the real life situations of the students. The NPE, 1986 and the Revised NPE, 1992 have discussed about the aims and objectives of education in general out of which some are relevant to secondary education.
They are as follows:
1. Secondary education is meant essentially for all round development, material and spiritual.
2. It develops manpower for different levels of the economy, ultimately promoting self-reliance.
3. It develops a sense of good citizenship among the learners.
4. It would inculcate democratic values, rights and duties in a democratic set up among the students.
5. It would strengthen the “whole world as one family” view and motivates, the younger generations for international co-operation and peaceful co-existence.
6. It should provide equality of educational opportunity for all not only in access, but also in the conditions for success.
7. It would inculcate in children scientific temper and independence of mind.
8. Minimum Levels of Learning (MLL) would be laid down and steps need by taken for fostering among students an understanding of a diverse cultural and social systems of the people.
9. It enables to develop physical health through physical education among the students.
Besides these, the secondary education should be based on a national curricular frame work which contains a common core along with other components that are flexible.
The common core would include the history of India’s Freedom Movement the constitutional obligations and the other content essential to nature and national identity. Promotion of vocational efficiency should form an integral past of secondary education.