Two factors that influence learning are 1. Factors Associated with Leaner and 2. Factors Related to Learning Process!
I. Factors associated with learner:
Learner is the focal point in any learning. Without learner there cannot be learning.
The following are some of the factors associated with learner:
1. Motivation:
It is the most important factor influencing the learner. If the learner has no motivation to learn, any amount of force will be futile. More the motivation better will be the learning. In addition to motivation, the learner should have a definite goal. It will direct the individual appropriately and help him to achieve the goal.
2. Readiness and will power:
This is just like motivation. If the learner is ready to learn, he will develop motivation to learn. Along with readiness a strong willpower is also essential to overcome hurdles and problems. Readiness will help to develop a positive attitude in learner.
3. Ability of the learner:
This refers to the level of intelligence, creativity, aptitude and such other abilities necessary for learning.
Intelligence enables the learner to learn better and understand things and relationship between them. It includes both general and specific intelligence related to specific area of learning.
4. Level of aspiration and achievement:
Learning depends upon the level of aspiration to achieve. If the aspiration level is high, the learner will work hard and achieve more. However, the aspiration level should be in accordance with the ability of the learner.
Otherwise, it may affect negatively leading to feelings of inferiority. At times the learner may not realize his ability and keep low level of aspiration resulting in low achievement, which is also a tendency to be rectified.
5. Attention:
Learner must learn to concentrate his attention on learning. Attentiveness helps to grasp learning material. Distraction of attention affects learning.
6. General health condition of the learner:
The general health includes the physical and mental health of the learner. The learner should have good physical health. Organic defects like blindness, myopia, hypermetropia, deafness, paralysis, mutism, severe handicappedness, etc., will affect learning. Problem in sense organs will lead to improper perception. Chronic illnesses may lead to fatigue and lack of interest.
In addition to physical health, the mental health of learner is also important. Adjustmental problems, minor mental problems like worry, anxiety, stress, and inferiority complexes will affect learning.
7) Maturation of the learner:
Maturation and learning go hand in hand. We learn things only according to maturity of our body. For example, a child of 6 months cannot learn to ride a bicycle even after vigorous training, because it requires muscular or physical maturity.
Factors related to learning material:
The nature of learning material is also important. The meaningful material can be learnt better and more quickly than meaningless material. Because understanding of lessons create interest in the learner. In addition to meaning, the simple material can be learnt better than the complex material.
II. Factors Related to Learning Process:
1. Methods of learning:
Effective learning depends upon the methods of study also. There are certain methods which save the energy and time of the learner. These are called ‘economic methods of learning’. They are:
a. Part v/s whole method:
Smaller and shorter lessons may be learnt at a stretch-called whole method. If the material is too lengthy, it must be divided into parts, so that it will be easy for learning. After reading in parts the learnt material should be connected or associated with each other.
b. Spaced v/s un-spaced method:
Learning continuously without gap leads to interference in memory called inhibition. Hence, it is always advisable to keep small interval between each reading.
c. Recitation v/s repetition:
Just repetition of lessons becomes rote learning in which chances of forgetting are more. In recitation the learner will check the weak points which may be forgotten and put more emphasis on those points. This process will help to overcome missing of points from the memory.
2. Over learning:
It is experimentally proved that over learning helps better learning and memory.
3. Knowledge of results as feedback:
It is essential to know the amount of material grasped, so that changes may be made in process of learning. Knowledge of results refers to getting feedback by means of testing, examination, interview, etc.
4. Good physical atmosphere:
Sufficient light and ventilation, calm and clean place, normal temperature, some minimum furniture will help learning processes.