Short Essay on Emotional Adjustment!

Emotional adjustment is an important task because, adjustment during emotions lead to a normal behaviour, whereas mal­adjustment leads to abnormal behaviour.

Emotions are described as the prime movers of behaviour.

These stirred up states are store houses of energy, which may work for both intense vigour and efficiency and strong disruption of mental life.

There are many instances where even highly intelligent people fail to manage their emotions and some average intelligent persons manage their emotions effectively and harmoniously. It is called ’emotional intelligence’.

During emotions the individual will have a lot of energy released to meet the challenges and help him to perform very tough jobs which he cannot do in normal conditions. Emotions stimulate the person and make him to overcome lethargic position. But many times emotions may be a great hurdle for adjustment.

Human being is considered as a rational being. But in the grip of emotions people behave like immature. Some people may breakdown completely, cannot take proper decisions, and many people even collapse in severe emotional arousal, because of serious changes in vital systems such as heart, lungs, brain, etc.

The organs may get paralyzed, at times even death may occur. In psychological processes also many changes occur. People may develop many abnormalities like anxiety, phobias, obsessions, hysteria, etc.

Emotions may hamper the studies of students and occupations of people. In some people emotions may lead to crimes, because people lose reasoning power and their ability to control behaviour is hampered. Hence, emotional control and management is very essential for an adjusted life.
