Read this article to learn about the intelligence test for various age groups.
Intelligence Test for Age 3:
1. Points to nose, eyes and mouth.
2. Repeats two digits.
3. Enumerates objects in a picture.
4. Gives family name.
5. Repeats a sentence of six syllables.
Intelligence Test for Age 4:
1. Give his sex.
2. Names key, knife and penny.
3. Repeats three digits.
4. Compares two lines.
Intelligence Test for Age 5:
1. Compares two weights.
2. Copies a square.
3. Repeats a sentence of ten syllables.
4. Counts four pennies.
5. Unites the halves of a divided rectangle.
Intelligence Test for Age 6:
1. Distinguishes between morning and afternoon.
2. Defines familiar words in terms of use.
3. Copies a diamond.
4. Counts thirteen pennies.
5. Distinguishes pictures of ugly and pretty faces.
Intelligence Test for Age 7:
1. Shows right hand and left ear.
2. Describes a picture.
3. Executes three commissions, given simultaneously.
4. Counts the value of six coins, three of which are double.
5. Names four cardinal colours.
Intelligence Test for Age 8:
1. Compares two objects from memory.
2. Counts from 20 to 0.
3. Notes omissions from pictures.
4. Gives day and date.
5. Repeats five digits.
Intelligence Test for Age 9:
1. Gives change from twenty coins.
2. Defines familiar words in terms of superior to use.
3. Recognises all pieces of money.
4. Names the months of the year, in order.
5. Answers easy “comprehensive questions”.
Intelligence Test for Age 10:
Arranges five blocks in order of weight.
Copies drawings from memory.
Criticisms absurd statements.
Answers difficult “comprehensive questions”.
Uses three given words in not more than two sentences.
Intelligence Test for Age 12:
1. Resists suggestion.
2. Composes one sentence containing three given words.
3. Names sixty words in three minutes.
4. Defines certain abstract words.
5. Discovers the sense of a disarranged sentence.
Intelligence Test for Age 15:
1. Repeats seven digits.
2. Finds three rhymes for a given word.
3. Repeats a sentence of twenty-five syllables.
4. Interprets pictures.
5. Interprets given facts.
Intelligence Test for Adult:
1. Solves the paper-cutting test.
2. Rearranges a triangle in imagination.
3. Gives differences between pairs of abstract terms.
4. Gives three differences between a president and a king.
5. Gives the main thought of a selection which he has heard read.