Emotions: Brief Notes on Emotions (Definition and Components of Emotions)!
Human beings are endorsed by motives, and as rational beings, to certain extent we go about satisfying them in an intelligent way.
But our life does not end with this, we are also emotional beings. Indeed most of our affairs of everyday life are tingled with feelings and emotions. Our finest achievements, miserable failures, our noble characters and ugly behaviours are all directed by emotions.
We feel excited when we pass our examination and jump out of joy. We shout when we get angry, we feel sorry at the death of our loved one.
We tremble when we are afraid. Joy, sorrow, fear, sympathy, empathy, love and affection are all emotions which influence our life and behaviour. Life would be dreary without emotions and feelings.
They add colour and spice to living. Proper control and expression of our emotions make our living pleasant, lack of control and improper expression leads to misery.
The term emotion is derived from the Latin verb ‘movere’ means stir up, agitate, disturb or move. Woodworth has defined emotion as “conscious stirred up state of the organism”.
Components of Emotions:
There are three components of emotions.
a. Cognition:
This component serves primarily to influence an evaluation of given situation, prompting us to become emotional in one way or another, or not at all.
b. Feeling:
In daily life we think of feelings. The feelings are most readily evident changes in an aroused person. Feelings have immediate motivational significance.
They give rise to many physiological processes in the cardiovascular system and produce increased blood pressure, changes in sexual urge. They also stimulate nervous system and prompt widespread electrochemical activities.
c. Behaviour:
The behavioural component involves facial, postural, gestures and vocal responses.
Changes during Emotions:
Changes during emotions are divided into external and internal changes.
External changes:
There are many external or observable changes during emotion.
a. The voice changes according to the type of emotion. Experiments have proved that emotions can be identified on the basis of voice.
b. Facial expressions change. We can identify emotion experienced by a person by looking at his face.
c. There will be changes in the body language like stiffness of muscles, twisting of fingers, movements of hands and legs.
d. Sweating.
e. Wrinkles on forehead.
f. Redness of eyes.
g. Erection of hairs on the skin, etc.
Internal changes:
Many internal changes take place during emotions. These internal changes are the result of stimulation of
The ANS has 2 subdivisions. Sympathetic division prepares the body for facing emergency either by fight or by flight, i.e. fights if possible, otherwise escapes from the situation. It stimulates the adrenal glands and causes the excess release of adrenaline and nor-adrenaline. Adrenaline gets circulated all over the body and stimulates vital organs leading to following internal changes.
a. Increase in heart rate thereby increase in BP
b. Increase in rate of respiration
c. Increase in blood sugar level
d. Decrease in functioning of GI tract-that is why we do not experience the feeling of hunger during emotional states
e. Changes in frequency of brain waves
f. Dilatation of pupils
g. Decreased secretion of saliva and dryness of mouth.
After the emergency or emotional situation is over, the next step is to restore the energy spent during emotion. This work is carried on by parasympathetic division.