In this article we will discuss about the importance of measurement as well as tools of achievement testing.

Importance of Measurement of Achievement:

In the absence of data regarding the intelligence, interests, aptitude and personality about the child, examination marks are perhaps the only reliable and dependable matter on which the guidance work can be based.

Examinations are a means to the fulfillment of the guidance objective. The scores obtained by a pupil in various subjects is a sufficient clue for understanding his special subjects, and basing his choice of elective subjects on the same.

The examination scores in the first instance will result in self-realization of the pupil. He can himself analyze his special likes and dislikes. Again these can help in proper classification into homogeneous groups.

These can reveal all those topics which are beyond the comprehensions of the pupils. These can held in promoting pupils to the higher class. Special diagnostic achievements tests are useful for scrutinizing the specific difficulties of the backwards.

Tools of Achievement Testing:

The question of employing a reliable and valid means of tools for the assessment of scholastic achievement has been an oft-debated one. The limitations of the external examinations held just once at the end of the year are obvious.

The imperfections of the essay-type tests which measure just a few items of achievement to the exclusion of others are also explicit. A comprehensive programme of achievement testing has therefore been recommended by the experts.

This, in the first instance, comprises of a synthesis of internal and external assessment. The merits of interval assessment are so weighty, that there are expectations of total abolition of external assessment. The various tools of measurement suggested are the essay type test, the objective type test (for all achievements where written tests will suit), the oral tests and home-work and library works.

The following table represents the various tools for testing achievement:

Achievement Tests

From another point of view the tests may be of two types – teacher made, and standardised tests for internal use are usually prepared by the teacher, and are applicable only in his school. But some tests of specific achievement of different grades have been standardised on large samples of pupils.

These standardised tests are more useful than the teacher-made tests, in so far as these help in the comparison of pupil of one grade with that of another, pupil of school or area with that of another, one school with another etc. We can compare the achievement of one pupil with that of the average of the group and thus rate him.

Similarly we can compare the average achievement of one school with that of group of schools. We can find out specific areas of high achievement, and also diagnose special disabilities and weaknesses.

We conclude this section with a quotation from Jones regarding the achievement test.

“Achievement tests are used to find out what has been learned, that is, what habits or skills have been developed after a period of study or exercise. They are valuable as a means of determining to what extent the individual has attained a certain degree of progress towards a desirable goal, whether he is able to undertake the next step, and how his attainment compares with that of other members of his group.”