After reading this article you will learn about Interpersonal Skill:- 1. Meaning of Interpersonal Skill 2. Behavioural Traits of Interpersonal Skills.

Meaning of Interpersonal Skills:

Interpersonal skills are an important aspect of one’s personality. In simple words, it means a congenial and a pleasant interaction of people with others. The various psychological factors that exist within every human being, and which consequently influence our behaviour while interacting with others, are referred to as interpersonal skills.

Those possessing effective interpersonal skills are capable of appropriately communicating with different people who possess a variety of personality traits. Since this skill is constantly evaluated by everyone concerned—coworkers to superiors—it has an important role in one’s career growth.

Behavioural Traits of Interpersonal Skills:

Though these interpersonal skills are to some extent inherent in oneself, they can be nurtured and developed with effort.

To cultivate interpersonal skills, the necessary personality and behavioural traits are explained below:

i. Resolving Conflict:

Often there are chances of interpersonal conflict if a number of people work together on a project. One can make a mark in such cases by being an effective mediator, who takes a neutral position. The main concern, in such instances, should be to look at the overall interest of the organization without creating any bitterness in the people or team that hold opposing views.

One also has to convince the people about the rationale behind the right decision that benefits the organization. One who possesses such interpersonal skills to resolve conflicts gets noticed, since he makes the organization realize that he can take an objective view considering only the organization’s benefit.

ii. A Smiling Face:

A smiling face is always preferable to a gloomy coffee-pot face (Fig. 1.2). When dealing with team mates, one can get great results just with the help of a cool demeanor and a smiling face.

A Smiling Face and A Grumpy Face

Fig. 1.2 A Smiling Face and A Grumpy Face

It costs nothing but pays much to keep a cheerful attitude. It can create an infectious aura within the team leading to a positive, energizing and productive ambience.

iii. Appreciative Attitude:

If one wants to get the best out of team mates and co-workers, one should appreciate the work the team members have been doing. A small pat in the back or a simple remark such as, ‘well done, ‘way to go’, ‘carry on the good work’, etc., can go a long way to increase their enthusiasm and prompt them to work more efficiently.

iv. Assertive Nature:

Even when appreciating others, one should be assertive (Fig. 1.3). One should be very specific—clearly stating the expectation and the reasons behind it, or else it may come across as hollow and superficial. The views should be asserted firmly without being rude.

Showing Assertiveness

Fig. 1.3 Showing Assertiveness


v. Communication Skills:

This is one of the most important skills. Communicating without ambiguity is the cornerstone of strong performers and leaders. It is possible to avoid many conflicts and be an effective leader by communicating crisply (Fig. 1.4).

Swami Vivekananda – A Strong Communicator

Fig. 1.4 Swami Vivekananda – A Strong Communicator

vi. Listening Skills:

While communicating with anyone, proper attention should be paid to Fig. 1.4 what others have to say. Listening is a vital skill (Fig. 1.5). It plays an important role in improving relationships and teaming in a corporate setting.

Listening Intently

Fig. 1.5 Listening Intently

vii. Developing Empathy:

The word ’empathy’ simply means to understand and appreciate another person’s position. In other words, it implies putting oneself in somebody else’s shoes and trying to understand how one would have felt if he were in the same position as the recipient of the situation.

 Showing Empathy

Fig. 1.6 Showing Empathy