Let us learn about the comparison between Conformity and Resistance to Social Change.

Social traditions, customs, values and orders, cultural heritage and cultural norms are subjected to change and no social system is permanent. They undergo change either gradually or suddenly. But once a social order is established it continues for several decades and is more or less durable unless the need for such a change is felt drastically.

People usually try to conform to the existing social pattern and customs. Even many, who are a little rigid do not like to accept a change in their existing social system. However, whenever a change in the existing social system becomes imperative and cannot be avoided people with a flexible and dynamic bent of mind conform to the social change.

Hence flexible and adjustable personalities with an attitude of co-operation with the social change bring stability and durability. Many social scientists believe that man being a social animal tries to conform to the social system.

Particularly most of the socialised individuals accept the social change without much hesitation. Others view that by and large man is suggestive by nature, so he accepts what others suggest or others accept. \Some others view that man wants stability. So basically he does not want to change the existing social order and so revolts to social change.

Though two types of behaviour such as acceptance and resistance are observed in man, by and large it is the basic nature of man to strive towards establishing stability in his relationship with others in the personal as well as social front.

Therefore, he likes some orderliness in his daily life style by sticking to regularities, routines, time tables and certain rules, regulations, norms standards and frame of references. So he resents to change.

Paradoxically, it is also man’s nature to change the existing systems of the society that define his role. When the existing stability brings dissatisfaction, conflict, unhappiness, deprivation, social and economic disparity and finally frustration man needs a change in the existing system and he readily conforms to such change.

Thus he rejects such changes which does not suit him and confirms to such changes which suit his aim, purpose and interest. He accepts those social orders which give him satisfaction and rejects those which give him dissatisfaction. It thus follows that conformity and resistance to social change are two sides of a man’s nature like the two sides of a coin. Particularly flexible personalities opt for more change than rigid ones.

Every person in the society has self-identity and he needs stability to maintain his self-identity. Man feels that he needs stability in his interpersonal relationship and relationship with secondary groups. So he needs familiar objects, routines, time tables, institutions to maintain and protect his self identity.

When these are not there, there is identity crisis. Thus this experience of self-identity and maintenance of it, depends upon his relationship with others in the society. Under this situation, he seeks stability in the social system and hence does not want a sudden social change.

In the above context, it is seen that many people in the present day society are not able to adjust with sudden social changes. Consequently, they suffer from pressure, stress and ultimately mental dysfunctions.

Even quite a few people commit suicide or attempt to commit suicide without being able to cope with their changing social role, work structure, life style and so on. A lot of psychiatric problems are found in to-day’s society because of sudden social change with which people are not able to accommodate themselves successfully.

Findings of many studies conducted in the western countries where people have faced rapid change point out that rapid social change produces social psychological dysfunctions and psychiatric disorders because of the in capability to adjust with sudden change.

Therefore, along with change, some amount of stability and conformity with social orders are necessary for maintaining self identity and balance in personality.

In the process of conformity vs resisance, it is observed that when man’s beliefs, commitments, identifications and his role in the established social conditions produce conflict instead of harmony, lead to degradation instead of promotion in social life. It affects his peace of mind, joys of life, and basic interests.

So he rejects them and wants a change. Thus, he searches for new social order, new social values, norms, customs and beliefs which are the alternatives to the existing ones. At this critical juncture when his old identity is in danger juncture, he strives sincerely for a social change, by trying to discover a new identity.

According to Sherif and Sherif under there circumstances the tendency towards change is inherent in the very process of achieving a new stability.

In short, those social conditions which help man to maintain his self identity are accepted and they remain stable. But those social norms which threaten his identity by standing on the way of his capacity to adjust with the social system produce inner conflict, frustration, fear and unhappiness. So he opposes and resists them and opts for a change.

But this change to maintain the self identity by new ways and alternatives is not achieved all of a sudden. It takes time since it is not so easy to give up habitual beliefs, attitudes all of a sudden. Hence, it takes time to change through a gradual process.

Conformity or resistance to social change therefore depends upon man’s identity. Those changes which affect his identity and self esteem are not accepted by him rather they face resistance. Others which support his self identity and keep it intact, are accepted or conformed. Acceptance and resistance of social change therefore revolve around one’s self-identity.

In this context, evolutionary changes allow a person to maintain his self identify without affecting it. Identify crisis is less experienced under evolutionary social change while sudden change in social system put a threat to one identity and self- esteem. Many social reformers therefore plead for evolutionary change rather than revolutionary change.

Many experts in the area of social change view that persistence of old values, norms and beliefs that have become useless and obsolete after long period are not helpful. They need change. But those which are helpful for man and society at large should continue even they are old.