Tag Archives | Abnormal Behaviour

Studying Abnormal Behaviour: 4 Methods | Psychology

This article throws light upon the top four methods used by clinical psychologists to study abnormal behaviour. The methods are: 1. Case History Method 2. Clinical Method 3. Experimental Method 4. Follow up Method. 1. Case History Method: This method is unavoidable in abnormal psychology. To diagnose the cause of abnormality it is the first step to the study of [...]

By |2016-08-18T11:37:37+00:00August 18, 2016|Abnormal Psychology|Comments Off on Studying Abnormal Behaviour: 4 Methods | Psychology

Mental Disease and Abnormal Behaviour | Psychology

This article throws light upon the three main forms of mental disease that lead to abnormal behaviour. The forms are: 1. Psychoneuroses 2. Psychoses 3. Mental Retardation 4. Anti-Social Personalities. Form # 1. Psychoneuroses: Page (1976) holds that Psychoneuroses are relatively mild personality disorders that distress and inconvenience the patient, but do not disrupt his social adjustments and interfere with [...]

By |2016-08-18T11:37:37+00:00August 18, 2016|Abnormal Behaviour|Comments Off on Mental Disease and Abnormal Behaviour | Psychology

Treatment of Behavioural Disorders | Psychology

This article throws light upon the three important physical therapies used in treatment of behavioural disorders. The physical therapies are: 1. Chemo Therapy 2. Electro Therapy 3. Brain Wave Therapy. Physical Therapy # 1. Chemo Therapy: During the last three decades or so, chemicals and drugs have been used on a mass scale for the treatment of mental and behavioural [...]

By |2016-08-18T11:37:35+00:00August 18, 2016|Behavioural Disorders|Comments Off on Treatment of Behavioural Disorders | Psychology
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