Tag Archives | Concepts

Formation of Concepts: 4 Main Steps | Concepts | Thinking | Psychology

This article throws light upon the four main steps involved in the formation of concepts. The steps are: 1. Observation 2. Generalisation 3. Discrimination or Differentiation 4. Abstraction. Step # 1. Observation: The first stage in the formation of concepts is the observation of an event, object or an experience. This can also be called the stage of becoming aware. [...]

By |2017-03-11T08:08:34+00:00March 11, 2017|Thinking|Comments Off on Formation of Concepts: 4 Main Steps | Concepts | Thinking | Psychology

7 Main Concepts of Abnormality | Psychology

This article throws light upon the seven main concepts of abnormality. The concepts are: 1. Qualitative Concept 2. Inadequate Response to a Stimulus 3. Inappropriateness to Social Standard 4. Statistical Criterion 5. Pathological Criterion 6. Personality Adjustment 7. Socially Unacceptable Behaviour of Abnormality. Concept # 1. Qualitative Concept: According to the qualitative concept, normality and abnormality differ in quality and [...]

By |2016-08-18T11:37:37+00:00August 18, 2016|Abnormal Psychology|Comments Off on 7 Main Concepts of Abnormality | Psychology
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