Tag Archives | Hysterical Neuroses

3 Main Categories of Conversion Hysteria | Hysterical Neuroses

This article throws light upon the three main categories of conversion hysteria in humans. The types are: 1. Sensory Conversion 2. Motor Symptoms 3. Visceral Disorder Type # 1. Sensory Conversion: This refers to the inability to receive sensory stimuli. Anyone of the senses like visual, or tactual may be involved. The most common forms of Sensory Conversion described by [...]

By |2016-08-18T11:37:36+00:00August 18, 2016|Abnormal Psychology|Comments Off on 3 Main Categories of Conversion Hysteria | Hysterical Neuroses

Hysterical Neuroses: Concept, Types and Treatment | Mental Illness

After reading this article you will learn about:- 1. Concept of Hysterical Neuroses 2. Types of Hysterical Neuroses 3. Freud and Psychoanalytic View 4. Treatment. Concept of Hysterical Neuroses: By converting or compartmentalizing the fear into a physical symptom in hysterical neuroses the patient tries to reduce anxiety. In anxiety neuroses and phobias anxiety is easily observed while in hysterical [...]

By |2016-08-18T11:37:36+00:00August 18, 2016|Mental Illness|Comments Off on Hysterical Neuroses: Concept, Types and Treatment | Mental Illness
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