Tag Archives | Personality Development

Personality: It’s Nature and Development | Psychology

Read this article to learn about Human Personality: It’s Nature and Development! "Personality is the whole individual considered as a whole. It may be defined as the most characteristic integration of an individual structure, modes of interest, attitudes, behaviour and capacities." - Muirhead Personality is the one word in Psychology which is used by most of us, rather carelessly and [...]

By |2016-11-05T03:43:27+00:00November 4, 2016|Personality Development|Comments Off on Personality: It’s Nature and Development | Psychology

Top 3 Factors Influencing Personality Development

This article throws light upon the top three factors influencing personality development. The factors are: 1. Biological Factors 2. Cultural Determinants of Personality 3. Family Influences on Personality Development. Factor # 1. Biological Factors: By and large, the influences of biological factors on personality structure are limited and indirect. The biological factors include genetic, hereditary factors, physical appearance and physique [...]

By |2016-06-21T07:16:35+00:00June 21, 2016|Personality Development|Comments Off on Top 3 Factors Influencing Personality Development
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