Tag Archives | Theories of Play

2. Play-Way in Education | Psychology

In words of Ross "Play is nature's own method of education of children". Play is free and spontaneous. School work can, therefore, be so organised that it takes the shape of play. The school curriculum, the methods of instruction and the school discipline can be so devised that the child finds absorbing interest in the school work. Knowledge should be [...]

By |2016-11-05T03:43:28+00:00November 5, 2016|Child Psychology|Comments Off on 2. Play-Way in Education | Psychology

Play: Theories, Types and Educative Value| Psychology

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Theories of Play 2. Types of Play 3. Characteristics of Play 4. Educative Value of Play. Theories of Play: There are at least five distinct theories of play, viz.: 1. Surplus Energy Theory. 2. Re-creative Theory. 3. Anticipatory Theory. 4. Recapitulation Theory. 5. Cathartic Theory. A brief discussion of each of the [...]

By |2016-11-05T03:43:25+00:00November 5, 2016|Child Psychology|Comments Off on Play: Theories, Types and Educative Value| Psychology
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