Get the answer of: Why International Peace and Unity is being Hampered?
Inspite of repeated endeavours by various international peace organisations like UNO, NAAM, SAARC and various other summits, international peace and unity is being affected and the world is facing severe international tension day-by-day.
The level of frustration among the people of the world comprising of various nations is increasing in an alarming way. The need for food, healthcare, dress, subsistence, education and status, etc. is increasing day-by-day due to unemployment and poverty.
The need for economic independence, security, self expression, prestige and power is remaining unfulfilled. Inadequate agricultural and industrial growth and rise in population are responsible for the poor financial conditions of the people of the world.
Though there has been improvement in science and technology, in the living conditions of the people in the developing and under developed countries, they are not enough. Thus, there is frustration and tension.
Those countries who have developed and arc in the peak of power try to control other developing and under developed countries through economic and military aids. Through various world organisations in which they are dominant members they try to pressurize the developing and under developing countries to dance according to their tune.
On the other hand the developing and underdeveloped countries to resist when there is undue pressure on them and when it affects, the self respect, dignity and security of their country. This thus leads to tension at the international sphere. Sometimes certain national issues are made international by some big powers with vested interests.
Certain problems arising between two neighbouring countries which can be settled bilaterally are raised in the UNO or NAAM or SAARC conferences which aggravates the tension between two countries. Thus wide spread frustrations at all spheres are expressed in the form of international tension. Unless such frustration can be reduced or prevented it would be difficult to bring international peace and unity.
International misunderstanding and misconceptions are created because of biases, prejudices and distorted beliefs. The attitude of non-Hindus towards Hindus, the attitudes of whites towards Negroes and vice versa, all lead to misunderstanding and conflict. We are told before we see the world.
Misunderstandings and misconceptions are caused by language barrier, geographical barrier, lack of international communication and contact, restricted visa and ban on media in certain countries.
Further, through propaganda wrong opinions and false information are circulated, there by influencing the cognition of individual members. Many a times the facts are distorted by the media and leaders with ulterior motive. Stereotypes and prejudices in families and societies running through generations also directly and indirectly help in the rise of tension, social distance and gap in communication.
The personal needs, beliefs and attitudes of individual leaders play some role in the determination of international relations. The dissatisfaction and internal conflict among various political parties in a country also have their adverse impact upon international peace.
A feeling of distrust on other nations because of some personal gains, the lust for money, power, prestige and recognition in many instance create problems for a country in the international arena. Indecisive leaders with only desire for power and personal gains, uncalled for and over enthusiastic attitude of bureaucrats dealing with foreign affairs also lead to many misunderstandings in the international field.
Ambassadors of different countries when do not do their job properly, international unity is affected. Very petty and small matters lead to great misunderstandings.
The internal problem of any country is now affected by the external affairs and vice versa. Many decisions influenced by political interests create lots of misunderstanding among countries. Various opposition parties in every state create problem for the party in power by going against national interest and by giving statements not conducive for international peace and unity.
With change of Government foreign policies also begin to change sometimes not to suit national interest, but to suit the interest of the party in power.
Lack of common motivation to avoid world tension, a common desire to remain in peace are the main obstructions behind international peace. Lack of positive forces of cohesion and some essential skills and mechanics of group functioning stand on the way of proper international relations.
They provide serious obstacle to world unity. Ideological differences between people, groups and nations stand on the way of meaningful compromise between two nations. Lack of tolerance is another hindrance on international peace and unity.
Nations have to tolerate and sacrifice to some extent for the sake of international peace. If there is peace, then only one can think of constructive ways for prosperity. Tensions among large groups of people with different political ideologies produce in tolerance for each other. But conflicts cannot be resolved by segregation of different religious groups having ideological differences.
The world has now become very small and so there ought to be physical contact among these religious groups, particularly because of dynamic interaction. Inspite of improvement in educational status and scientific knowledge of people, inspite of the decrease in ignorance still in the present world tensions arise between protestants and Catholics and between Hindus and Muslims, between whites and negroes.
But comparatively people of different religious groups have started to tolerate each other by living, side by side in the same colony, by attending each others social functions and by sharing food from the same plate, children of different religious groups also play with each other with feeling of hostility and hatred. So the situation today has improved.