In this essay we will discuss about International Tension among Countries. After reading this essay you will learn about: 1. Introduction to International Tension 2. Nature and Problems of International Tension 3. Basic Causes 4. Role of Needs 5. Impact 6. Reduction.


  1. Essay on the Introduction to International Tension
  2. Essay on the Nature and Problems of International Tension
  3. Essay on the Basic Causes of International Tension
  4. Essay on the Role of Needs in International Tension
  5. Essay on the Impact of International Tension
  6. Essay on the Reduction of International Tension

Essay # 1. Introduction to International Tension:

Tension among various nations and countries at the international level is called international tension. Why today there is so much talk about international tension and international peace? Why people of the world are more concerned about their survival and security? Why security of a nation has become the top priority?

Currently when India made atomic explosion at Pokhran many people were heard saying “We can live without bread, but we cannot see the security and dignity of our country in danger”. Immediately after the Pokhran test in May 1998 several surveys were made by various medias and the findings indicated that majority of the people were in favour of this test.

When other powerful nations of the world were possessing nuclear weapons and asking India to sign in C.T.B.T., it was but imperative for India to have its own weapons to save India’s sovereignty and independence. With the tremendous growth of science this age is called an atomic age and information age as many countries try to control other countries through their atomic weapons.

Tensions originate and grow between various nations because of several social, political, religious, economic and other reasons. That is why, the phenomenon of international tension is a widely discussed important problem in the current atomic age. Inspite of the innumerable peace organisations of the world and various peace talks and conferences to reduce tension, international tension is growing day-by-day.

Of course because of these peace organisations third World War has been avoided till today. Undoubtedly international tension when in the peak can lead to World War. So the problem of international tension and its resolve is of paramount importance for any social scientists and political leaders.

Racial prejudice like black and white, conflict between various countries on different bilateral issues like border issue, atomic power, water resources, export-import problems, trade and commerce and various other issues lead to misunderstanding and conflict. The outcome of such conflicts and misunderstanding is international tension and finally World War.

Essay # 2. Nature and Problems of International Tension:

Besides other factors tension between countries arise particularly when they grow up to equal status. Tensions arise between the largest nations, most organised and politically powerful ones.

Tension can be expressed in many forms, such as through feeling of aggressiveness and hatred, attacks in the press and media, diplomatic strife like withdrawal of diplomats and ambassadors, closing of the embassay, persecution of the citizens of other countries, imposition of sanction, economic conflicts and finally war.

After the recent atomic explosion by India and Pakistan and unwillingness to sign in the C.T.B.T. certain big countries imposed various sanctions on India and Pakistan. Some countries even did not grant VISA to Indian scientists to attend international conferences in their country.

A few big powers also asked the scientists of India to leave their country and go back to India. All these actions reflect the unfavourable attitude of these big countries against India and ultimately severe tension between the two nations.

War is the last step in tension. War does not start immediately. Though it is just like the last load on the camel’s back, it has got long standing underlying causes and tensions, which is called Cold War. In this context it would not be out of place to quote Stanger (1947) who has said, “The specific pattern of violence called war is an expulsion of trends clearly observable during peace”.

Therefore to avoid and prevent international tension sufficient and rather extra steps should be taken to resolve the tension during peace time.

Cold War is extremely dangerous and leads to World War in a remarkable way, unless it is controlled at the initial stage by various bilateral discussions. After the atomic explosion by India in May, Government of India took active steps to meet various countries who objected this explosion and convince them India’s point of view.

Particularly to ease the tension between India and USA arising out of India’s atomic explosion and nonsignature of C.T.B.T. , India took positive steps for discussion between the two countries at several levels.

Similarly to ease the tension between India and Pakistan, India and China, arising out of boarder issues, steps have also been taken by Indian Government for discussion. Relation between two countries are improved through mutual discussions and by clearing misunderstanding. By explaining ones point of view and difficulties a lot of misunderstanding is cleared up.

It is obvious that if tensions are not resolved through various means, it may lead to never ending fear, hatred and maladjustment, economic and political exploitations and disintegration of personality. Constructive living and styles of disciplined life are affected. War is never the right solution of international tension particularly in an atomic age when atomic warfare is must once war starts.

War does not always bring justice, war is not the correct solution in most of the cases. It may so happen that the stronger power inspite of being wrong may win over the weaker power who is right, with the desire to protect positive values.

Thus in war the right power may loose and suffer and the wrong power may overcome him. Thus war is not a positive outcome of international tension. This outcome is to be avoided to prevent the war from utter destruction.

Today international tension has become such a wide spread problem embracing diverse issues. So it has to take in to account of all kinds of tensions, in addition to those eventuating in war. While discussing about international tension, emphasis is to be given upon the needs, attitudes perceptions and over all behaviour of the individuals who make up these nations.

War is an expression of the highest level of aggressive act and it is not the right solution of international tension since it is the negative means of releasing tension. Actually no person welcomes a war. Countries are only forced by circumstances to prepare for war despite their opposition to it or lack of desire for it.

International tension deals with all kinds of tensions at various levels as well as the perceptions, needs, attitudes and behaviour of the individual members of different nations. Issues relating to national boundary like India and Pakistan, India and China, East Germany and West Germany, differences in language, culture, religion, political ideology, customs, traditions, values produce tension and anxiety.

Since people are spatially, geographically and psychologically segregated from each other, certain feelings of segregation and misunderstandings are bound to occur. Similarly immigration rules, customs duties and visas also produce problems.

These factors make cognitive separation between different nations. These cognitive separations help in the operation of all the motivational and emotional processes leading to strong national feelings of identification, sacrifice, loyalty, rivalry, fear, hatred and aggression etc. The last Kargil war between India and Pakistan in May 1999 has now worsened the relationship between India and Pakistan.

Essay # 3. Basic Causes of International Tension:

Any nation is an organisation of people. Hence International tension has also some link to international conditions within nations.

(i) National Boundary:

National boundary does not refer so much to the geographical boundary that separates nations as to the lines of social organisation that differentiates one political nation from another. The national boundary at the psychological plane is also influenced by the difference in cultural products, collective names and symbols, distinctive action patterns, common beliefs, traditions and customs etc.

These factors help in the identifications of the people of a particular country with the nation and segregation at the psychological and social plane with the other country. Hence differences in socioeconomic, cultural and linguistic factors do contribute to international tension in addition to geographical boundary.

Those citizens who identify with their own countries values, and needs have stable and unique forms of internal organisation. The different causes of international tension are discussed below briefly being based on the view of Kretch and Crutch field.

(ii) Differences among Nations:

People of various nations of the world do differ in nationality, language, religion, culture, socio­economic status, names and surnames, caste, political ideology, attitude towards rich and poor, educational status, style of living, dress, climate, food habits etc. etc.

To add to this they are also spatially segregated from each other. Various nations also are different in many ways, like national history, national flag, leadership, laws, rules and regulations and national products.

This very nation has got certain unique characteristics and history which make it different from the other. This differentiation is strengthened by making the boundaries more specific between two countries by means of barbed wired fencing boundary walls, frontier guards, immigration rules, passports, custom duties and visa restrictions.

All these factors lead to a clear cognitive separation in the thinking of every individual as to how he is different from the person of the other nation. This type of cognitive separation at the mental level leads to the operation of various motivational and emotional processes leading to the strong national feeling of identification with ones own country, sense of “we feeling” and belongingness.

This type of strong identification and loyalty for one’s own country leads to strong feelings of displeasure, hatred, rivalry for another nation who speaks against his own country. This leads to tension. Tension arising in the minds of individual members leads to tension in the group.

Murphy, the outstanding social psychologist in his classic book, “In the minds of Men” has indicated how unfavourable attitude and prejudice in the minds of men lead to social tension. This tension when remains in the form of cold war gradually evaporates to international tension and war. It affects world peace.

(iii) Differences in Internal Structure of Nations:

The world consists of various nations. Some are geographically big and economically weak. Some are economically very powerful with low population, some are culturally very famous, some are industrially very progressive while others have earned name and fame in the world for their agricultural development.

Some nations are geographically small, but economically and industrially very prosperous. Some nations are adjacent to each other like India-Pakistan, India-China, India-Sri Lanka while others are widely separated. These factors no doubt help in the origin and growth of international tension.

But besides the above factors, the difference in the internal structure of any nation as a social organisation also to a great extent helps in creating or resolving international tension. Those nations which are strong and stable or are rigidly organised they take a greater part in the solution of the various problems of the world.

They become members of the security council, U.N.O. or any other body of this type, determine the fate of other countries, help in solving bilateral issues, put moral and economic pressure by imposing sanctions on certain weak, developing and underdeveloped countries.

Thus usually there seems to exist conflict and tension between developed and developing countries, developed and under developed countries, nations remaining adjacent to each other, of course keeping other factors constant.

Sometimes more contact may decrease tension, sometimes more contact may also increase tension depending upon various other factors and situation at hand. Sometimes big and powerful nations with atomic power sit together and pressurize other developing countries to sign on the C.T.B.T. or take certain decision which may not be conducive in the interest of that developing country itself.

With the fear of being bombarded or stopping of aid or imposition of sanction economically and militarily, weak nations have no other options but to agree to it. India has proved itself a strong nation and disagreeing to sign on the C.T.B.T. in its original form.

The internal structure of the nation may be divided in to two major types, the democratic and the autocratic. The representative of the democratic state usually are dynamic and flexible in their approach.

They consider the view of various representatives and often make a compromise of several different points of view with their own country, on the contrary, the position taken by the representative of an authoritarian state would be more rigid and would reflect the views of only dominant members of that state who are in the helm of affairs.

Secondly, the people of the democratic country may come in to dynamic interaction with other people of the world, in various ways and under different situation. But the people of authoritarian states are very much limited and regulated in their interaction with the people of the other countries.

They are not allowed to express their opinion freely with others and make dynamic interaction. Their freedom of speech, action and information is restricted.

Manifold Functions of Nations as Organisations:

“According to Kretch and Crutch Field, the functional unification of each nation helps to reinforce its cognitive and emotional differentiation from other nations in the minds of its citizens.” In other words, those social organisations which tend to assume more and more functions for their members seek to serve all necessary functions like political, social, economic and educational for their citizens.

These functional differences between two nations help in elevating differences, conflict and tension between minds of the people of these two countries. Since social organisations alone cannot meet the need of all their members uniformly, other types of organisations are also formed in addition to organisation by nations.

Extra National Groupings of People:

It is commonly observed people of different countries of the world belonging to a particular religion, race, language, caste or economic standard may join hands and form world level organisations cutting across the national boundaries.

For example, the Muslims in all countries may be unified to fight against the Hindus, Catholics in all countries unified against the non-catholics, whites against the Negroes and women against men.

Similarly labour unions, scientists, artists, players, Rotarians and various religious bodies crossing the national boundary may form international organisations. Such internal bodies may lead to the origin and growth of international tension since no more they are limited to national boundaries.

Organisation among Nations:

Some nations of the world are closely interrelated and linked through the formation of various international and social bodies. The relationship of some nations are closer than others. Some nations are more friendly with each other than others.

For instance America and the British Common Wealth, India and Russia, Russia and the Pre Soviet countries, Egypt and Pakistan may be friends and work together on the international arena.

England and America may be drawn together because of the common language and cultural heritage. Countries having majority Catholic citizens are also drawn closely. When certain ‘in groups’ and ‘out groups’ are formed on the international field, it certainly raises the degree of international tension.

Organisation of Nations Based on Emotional Issues:

Analysis of the formation of a Psychological group reveals the relationships among individuals based on emotional feelings such as likeness and dislikeness, favourable and unfavourable attitude, palatable and unpalatable views, acceptance and rejection. The more unpalatable feeling among the group, the greater is the tension and ill feeling.

Similarly there bound to exist tension among friendly and unfriendly nations. By making a sociometric analysis details of relationship among different nations can be traced which would further highlight for the amount of international tension it is responsible. Because of political and economic interest some nations may have severe tension with each other.

What is being emphasized here is that international tension is more a function of feelings of likeness or dislikeness among people of the world than the function of other factors. But all these variables have their roles to play in the causation of international tension.

As already discussed the causes of tension among different nations are many. They may be mutual suspicion, ill feelings, dislikeness, conflicting interests and objectives, fear and hatred, overlapping loyalties and identifications etc. These tensions and ill feelings have severe effects on international structure and relations.

This may lead to withdrawal of support, isolation, economic sanction, stopping of trade and business, restriction on visa, creation of ‘blocs’ among nations, review of relationship and finally war. Perceived threats to national security and the fear thus endangered may be reduced through war.

For example, the civil war in the United States produced a higher unity in the nation than had previously been achieved. But war is never the solution to international tension and peace. Infact, war may lead to future conflict and tension.

But war is perceived as the only immediate way of reducing tension and resolving conflicts. When by no other means, international tension can be checked, it is through war that some immediate resolution of tension is possible. It is also a fact that tensions between two countries increases the unity and national feeling within each nation.

But inorder the unity to prevail, the leaders of both the countries must convince the people of their country that there is a threat to their security and so on. The feeling of a common perception of danger is to be generated among the people of the country. This is extremely essential. But when there is no common perception of danger, there may be serious seeds of internal dissension in the face of international conflict.

Take the example of India’s nuclear test in May, 1998. Though the common public considered this to be essential to save the security, integrity and dignity of the country and hailed the decision of the Government, some opposition political parties and their followers criticised it. Thus according to Kretch and Crutch Field in every country there are many overlapping groups which is the source of conflicting loyalties.

It is a hard fact that groups within the nation have strong loyalties to groups within the enemy nation or even to the enemy nation as a whole. Communists in America would be less likely to support a war against Russia, business interests may oppose a war with a good customer, Catholics resist sanctions against the France regime in Catholic Spain. Muslims in India would be less likely to support a war against Pakistan.

Communists in India may not like a war against Russia or China. Christians in India are less likely to like any criticism of any Christian dominated country, Thus it appears that some people identify with the people of outside countries because of some common characteristics at the cost of ones own country.

Some Muslims of Kashmir favour Pakistani Government though they are Indian nationals. This should be checked and brought to balance through propaganda and public campaign.

Internal dissension as a function of international conflict may have various consequences, depending upon the degree of dissension and relative power of the dissenting groups. If there is more dissension among the people and political groups of a country regarding foreign policy and international relations there is more international conflict.

Effect of Conflict of Other Nations:

In certain cases, a particular nation may not be directly engaged in international conflict, the existence of tension in other parts of the world may have its influence on internal conditions opines Kretch and Crutch Field. When a particular incident occurs in one nation which produces significant tension in world peace, it also produces tension in other parts of the country.

As is evident, war between two nations not only affects these two nations, but also the whole world, because when two nations are engaged in war, friendly countries of both the nations get directly or indirectly involved. Current examples at the world level are immense to prove the point.

International tension has very significant influence on the structure and internal policies of a country. Similarly the influence of internal policies and structure of a country is seen on international and world tension. What happened in a single country may upset the international equilibrium.

Devaluation of dollar, change of leadership revolution, Nuclear explosion, victory in the election of one political party over the party in power, exploitation of the minority group by the dominant group of a country and similar other internal matter may affect international peace and unity and produce tension.

These changes may have effect on every country. When international tension becomes so severe that it reaches civil war, its repercussion is felt in the international arena.

Murphy (1945) in his book Human Nature and Enduring Peace has opined “Civil wars threaten to disturb even a stable international system”. For there are strong impulses to take sides, there are economic as well as political temptations to intervene, and civil war on a large scale, where military power is seized by those who have been kept under the thumb of another power bloc, can introduce all the evils and dangers of international war.

Like frustration and tensions in a person leading to aggression, unresolved tension of the people and politicians in a country may involve hatred and hostility towards another nation. Traditionally it is found that the leaders of a country psychologically and emotionally disturbed by internal dissensions and discontentment express aggression overtly.

Thus, what happens in one country has direct or indirect influence on other countries as well. “International tensions are not merely tensions among nations, they are also tensions among racial, religious, economic and ideological groups.”

Essay # 4. Role of Needs in International Tension:

There are several needs underlying international tension. Kretch and Crutch Field have indicated eight needs underlying international tension.

They are:

(i) Frustrated needs leading to aggressiveness,

(ii) Needs for direct gain,

(iii) Needs for power and prestige,

(iv) Patriotic and nationalistic needs,

(v) Needs for escape from peace,

(vi) Needs for resolving ambiguous crisis situation,

(vii) Needs for group belongingness and conformity,

(viii) Need for war itself.

(i) Frustrated Needs Leading to Aggressiveness:

Frustrations and unresolved tension arising out of interference of goal oriented behaviour lead to aggressiveness. The famous frustration – aggression hypothesis of Miller and Dollard gives major importance to aggression as the most common reaction to Frustration. Such aggressive behaviour arising out of frustration leads to international tensions.

Those persons and groups of persons whose basic need for food, care, love subsistence, economic security, social status, need for power, prestige and recognition are not fulfilled, rather thwarted, they become aggressive and this aggression is more often than not directed at the out groups like the foreigners and enemy nations.

Keeping other factors constant or equal the higher the frustration level among the people of a country, the greater will be the feeling of aggressiveness towards other countries.

But nevertheless, it depends a lot upon the leader of the nation how these aggressive feeling of the citizens are effectively channelized or organised. Though many of the frustrations of people in a country may be due to internal and personal factors, they may be directed towards the out group, i.e. the enemy nations in some form or other.

However, frustration and aggression only contribute partially to international tension as there are other factors also and it is to be kept in mind, that international tension need not be an inevitable consequences of frustration.

(ii) Need for Direct Gain:

International tension may occur out of needs for gain, for instance, the need of the industrialist is to capture the market and to get more profit, the need of the farmer is to get more subsidy and to protect his market, the need of an organised labour union is to prevent labour competition and the like.

Thus every individual in a nation has some needs to be gained and protected. If such needs are to be fulfilled, there is tension at the national as well as international level.

(iii) Need for Power and Prestige:

For some countries and some people, the need for power and prestige may be more essential than economic gains. Particularly those who are leaders and take the charge of governance, are more likely to have strong desire for power, prestige and recognition.

Those who have a potent desire for this behave in a different manner with international leaders. They try to dominate and show off while having face to face discussions with leaders of other countries. They try to be adamant in their views even if it does not involve the basic interest of their countries. Their rigid behaviour encourages international tension, Cold War and finally war.

(iv) Patriotic and Nationalistic Needs:

Those people who are guided by strong sense of loyalty, we feeling towards their own nation develop a reactionary attitude towards other countries. One’s patriotism, love and loyalty towards one’s own country enable him to fight for his own country. During this fight tensions do develop at the international level.

When one identifies with a country, it creates new need for the individuals to fight in favour of the country’s needs and in favour of the needs of the people. But that does not mean that by fighting for one’s own country there will always be international tension. Nationalism and patriotism may not hamper international peace and unity.

(v) Need for Escape from Peace:

Sometimes people like to have adventure, excitement and like to meet challenges in life. In case of such people the need to escape from peace arises and the desire for excitement supersedes the need for peace.

These type of personality cannot remain without some sort of confrontation, and they dislike the circumstances of peace. So they want that there should be international tension and sometimes they create situation for this.

(vi) Needs for Resolving Ambiguous Crisis Situations:

Every individual is bound to face some problems and crisis situations in his life. Such crisis situations and problems produce confusion and ambiguity in the individuals world. The individual thereafter tries to take some action to resolve these ambiguities. Behaviours related to resolution and clarification of ambiguities may sometimes lead to international tension.

(vii) Need for Group Belongingness and Conformity:

Every individual as a member of the family, the group and the society has to conform to the norms and standards of the group. He has also to develop a sense of belongingness towards his group, society and country. In this process, he has to accept the decision taken by the group, the society and the nation.

If the country’s leaders decide to have war with another country or to impose economic sanction the persons has to by and large conform to this, as he has to develop a sense of belongingness and we feeling. But those who do not agree to this and develop internal dissension and tension, they may not be liked by the majority portions of the population.

(viii) Need for War Itself:

If it is said that war does not serve any need or there is no need for war, it would not be correct. Though the various needs for war and confrontation, the need for aggression can be rationalized and fulfilled through peaceful ways, the instinct of destruction or death instinct as envisaged by Sigmund Freud cannot be totally overlooked.

Thus Murphy (1945) is quoted saying “There is I think a universal tendency to fight back when blocked, thwarted, interfered with, but if the individual is not blocked or thwarted or interfered with he has no intrinsic tendency to aggression”. However some people by nature like war and war has a positive value for them and they glorify war than peace so much so that war becomes a necessity for them.

All these discussions go to show that many needs may be fulfilled by international tension. In certain cases international tension fulfills some needs directly and in other cases indirectly in a maladoptive way.

Essay # 5. Impact of International Tension:

While summarizing the causes of international tension it has to be focused that tensions of various kinds affect the international relations. More and more tensions lead to decreased unity among nations leading to misunderstanding, withdrawal, less contact and more isolation from one another. There is gap in communication and Cold War. Finally Cold War may lead to Civil War or World War.

Due to international tension two or three nations may form alliances to face common threat from other nations. Thus tension in some part may lead to unity in other parts of the world. Unity of United States and Britain against Germany and Japan or the relationship between Soviet Russia and United States and United States and China in the past can serve as common examples.

A sociometric analysis can reveal the feelings of various groups in a country towards another country. Not all people of a country can have the same feeling towards another country. There are some exceptions and overlapping groups as well who have different opinions and feelings.

International tensions affect the structure of a country and its internal policies. On the other hand, internal policies and structures of a country can also influence international relations. Tension between two countries more often than not increases the unity, integrity and cohesiveness within a country.

When there is a common perception of danger all the political parties, social organisations and citizens of the country are united inspite of various differences of opinion among them relating to other issues. Different political parties of India having one opinion regarding not signing the C.T.B.T. can serve as an example.

Essay # 6. Reduction of International Tension:

The different aspects of international tension, it is evident that reduction of international tension is extremely essential for maintaining international peace, unity and friendship. Further to avoid third World War and intermittent war between various nations steps should be taken to reduce international tension.

A comprehensive programme can be worked out to prevent and reduce international tension. People from all branches should unite together and give their valuable suggestions for reduction of international tension which would become a crucial issue in the twenty- first century.

It is apparent that the needs, perceptions, beliefs, frustrations, ego involvement, attitude, beliefs and prejudices of the individual, the personal and political interest of the leaders contribute effectively to the growth of international tension.

The socioeconomic and political factors responsible for creating international tension operate through the people, the individual and hence international tension can only be largely solved through psychological considerations. The United Nations scientific and cultural organisation (UNESCO) holds “Since war begins in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men defences of peace must be constructed”.

Hence the programmes of peace are to be based on psychological considerations. The social scientists, particularly the social psychologists can contribute a lot to the prevention and reduction of international tension, though economists, sociologists, politicians and anthropologists have also their role.

The social psychologist can give his valuable advise on various aspects relating to human behaviour, his needs, perceptions, beliefs and attitudes, the principles on which group functions, group dynamics, problem of morale and leadership, feeling of oneness and loyalty etc.

Though the operation of various programmes for reduction of international tension is a time-taking and lengthy process and cannot be expected to have immediate effect, it nevertheless helps in reducing international tension gradually. Since international tension is a complex and complicated issue with multiple causes, its solution is also multidimensional.

Thirdly, the various factors underlying tension mutually interact with each other and reinforce each other. The programme should also be prepared keeping in view the obstructions and bottlenecks of international peace. Finally any programme involves some risk.

It is a fact that some leading nations, particularly big powers have to take initiative for the reduction of international tension and improvement of world peace. This has also occurred in the past. Since every individual by and large likes to remain in peace, every nation has a genuine desire for international unity and understanding.

Just as neighbourers in a colony stay unitedly similarly it is essential that various countries also have to remain united. For this the cooperation of each and every nation is required. For international harmony every nation must work unitedly and whole heartedly since the action of one nation has some effects on the other nations.

Though the big and powerful nations have greater role to play and they can show direction to other nations to work for world peace, every nation however small it may be has some significant role to play in the reduction of international tension.

Kretch and Crutch Field has indicated 10 steps in a programme for peace:

1. Reducing People’s Frustration:

Since frustration produces tension, hostility, aggression and war, the first step is to reduce frustration from the minds of men. How frustration level can be reduced in the society? Ofcourse by improving the standard and style of living of the common people, by providing them better living conditions, education, occupation and fulfilling their aspiration levels. They should also be given economic and job security.

Thus economic, psychological and social opportunities of all should be protected. Rich countries by extending economic aids to developing and needy countries, by encouraging international trade, participating in international conferences and discussing bilateral issues taking part in international monetary funds, the living condition of people can be improved and frustration reduced.

2. Making Democracy Work:

People of each and every country must be given the scope to actively and meaningfully participate in local, national and international affairs and issues. They must be given the opportunity to give their suggestions for the solution of various problems at the regional, national and international level.

Without participation of people in the functioning of the government with freedom for speech and information it will be difficult to prevent mounting of tension and personal hostility. But when leaders only dictate their followers and mostly do not give them proper scope to express their view, people usually feel neglected.

The personal attitudes of leaders and their special interest dominate national action in international affairs, creating ground for war rather than international peace. The needs for self expression, security, prestige, power, recognition and participation can be fulfilled through constructive modes by giving people a chance to express in a reasonable and peaceful way than through destructive means like war.

3. Improving Mental Health:

By having healthy personality of the people of a country a lot of tension can be reduced or avoided. The reduction and prevention of Juvenile delinquency, crime, antisocial needs and formation of personality with good mental health can prevent aggression and tension. This can be developed early in life. Hence parents have to take enormous care to see that their children bear good mental health

4. Educating for International Thinking:

Education improves among other things, the level of information of a person. If from the childhood children are taught for international thinking, they can develop a positive attitude towards favourable international relation and cooperation. They can develop flexible attitude towards various international problems.

Scientific thinking should be encouraged as to why international tension should not be developed and international peace should be encouraged. This attitude is very important for further cooperation in international peace.

Why tension and aggressiveness is undesirable, how it affects human society, why world peace is essential for mankind are to be clearly explained. Ignorances, prejudices, misconceptions, wrong notions about people of other countries should be corrected.

Distorted beliefs should be clearly abolished, communal feelings should be discouraged and the person should be trained to consider every problem from international point of view.

Regional feelings narrow the outlook of the individual. By increasing contact with people of other countries through travels, by reading books, a lot of wrong notions about people of other countries can be avoided. Better communication, a common language, free or concessional travels should be encouraged.

It can help international understanding and reduce unfavourable attitudes, stereotypes and false beliefs. Through various mass medias, advertisements and use of internal facilities, international thinking can be encouraged.

Ethnocentrism of the people of one country can be corrected by knowing the attitude and stereotypes of other countries towards one’s own country and he can understand the point of view of other people of other countries.

This type of feeling can lead to world cooperation. The educational programme for better international thinking can be planned more effectively by knowing the content of people’s international beliefs and attitudes.

Changing Attitude:

It is extremely necessary to undertake programmes to change the negative and unpalatable attitudes of people towards positive and international issues and international understanding. Negative and rigid attitude towards foreign countries should be changed to positive ones through various modes.

Positive attitude towards international participation should be encouraged. Particularly direct contact, through exchange programmes, use of common language, group supports, education, persuasion through propaganda should he utilised to change attitude.

The international bodies formed for international peace and understanding should be respected for their contribution. Readiness to participate cooperatively in world enterprises should also be developed. Feeling of oneness should be generated.

5. Developing Non-partison Foreign Policy:

Various countries should make efforts to establish a non-partisan position in foreign policy so that there will be respect for each other. Bias and prejudice in foreign policy will not yield good results. Besides taking care of the interest of their own country they should also ensure how to safeguard international peace, friendship and security.

Many Summits are formed to improve the diplomatic relationship among various countries. No foreign policy should be considered from the stand point of the party in power. The view of opposition parties should also be taken care of and they should also be involved in the process.

6. Assuming Democratic World Leadership:

International unity can be strengthened if big powers assume world leadership in a democratic manner. If a big nation becomes dictatorial in giving world leadership, it will be a failure and will not be able to contribute much to international peace and cooperation.

Group morale should be given enough attention and importance. Authoritarian world leadership should be discouraged as it can only increase international tension.

7. Providing Positive Prerequisites for International Unity:

Divisive forces create confusion and misunderstanding in international unity. These divisive forces are to be checked and eliminated as the case may be.

For achievement of good international relations and brotherhood, it is necessary to establish whatever common motivation is possible for the people of the world, other positive prerequisites are abolition of poverty and disease, advancement in science and technology, improvement in health measures.

There should also be widespread identification with the people of the world. Every person should consider other person like himself and feel for him so that internal tension can be diffused. The leaders holding key positions in international organisation should also be respected by the people of the world. People should consider them as honest, impartial, unprejudiced and having leadership qualities.

These leaders should have respect for all the countries whether big or small, rich or poor, developed or under developed. Thus, people should try to identify with international organisations and appreciate their work for the peace and unity of the world.

Every individual of every country must feel that he has to make some contributions to prevent aggression and hostility in some parts of the world. This type of ego involvement in work will have a great effect in reducing tension and hostility.

Worldwide projects on science, technology, agriculture, arts and crafts should be undertaken under exchange programmes and also jointly so that people of different countries will get a chance to know each other and shed their prejudgements and unfavourable attitudes.

General development of various skills and abilities in group activities can improve international unity. If people are able to work cooperatively in international relations they must have preliminary training in various small groups like family work groups, various social and political groups. Some of them also should get leadership training for contribution to world peace and unity.

Statesmen and diplomats, leaders and Government heads of various countries should also develop good relationship at personal levels so that international cooperation can be possible.

Many discussions at the international level become failures because of lack of suitable personal relationship among themselves. Because of the inability of the statesmen and diplomats to understand one another, they fail to discuss problems constructively and become unable to reach a decision.

8. Reducing Ideological Conflicts:

The values of people of one country differ from the values of people of another country. Because of the clash of these values international relation is affected.

Hence programmes may be taken up to re­educate the basic values of man in the light of international cooperation and understanding which can in the long run reduce world peace. It has been found that inspite of the religious differences, it is possible to work together.

This can also be applicable to certain economic and political ideologies on the basis of which the world is being splitted to parts and international tension is rising. Hence steps should be taken particularly by big powers like USA and big country like India to reduce ideological conflicts in the interest of world peace.

Using Techniques Short of War in International Conflict:

War is the culmination of international conflict. But there are less severe forms of international conflict like, restriction of visa, gap in communication, withdrawal of embassy personnel etc. which can avoid war. These are less destructive than war.

If international tension cannot be avoided, the above techniques can be used to avoid World War. Economic sanctions, stoppage of aids and diplomatic relations, stoppage of trade and business can be operated.

Those activities are also not condusive, but they are better than war. Through these less severe acts, some tension can be released anc. reduced. Kretch and Crutch Field is of opinion “These very forms of international action may serve a preventive purpose and force a change in international relations and reduction of tension before war can become a reality”.

Hence before considering about imposing war other less severe possibilities of international persuasion and pressure should be used.

As per the request of the Deptt. of Social Affairs of the United Nations in 1945, the society for the psychological study of social issues prepared a draft proposal for a United Nations Institute of the Human Sciences. The specific objective of the proposed Institute were envisaged as follows.

Provision of comparative data on problems of human relations from various nations, joint planning of international research projects, collection of research data on a worldwide basis, broadening scientific collection of prospective of the scientists of various nations, facilitation of communication among scientists, cultivation of inter disciplinary research, defining uniformity among scientists, defining uniform research standards, establishment of central archives of research data, equalization of research facilities among the various countries, provision of training facilities for younger scientists, formation of consultation and information services on problems of human relations for national and international bodies in quest of expert advice.

Currently some proposals have been practised by some countries. Also many institutes for development of international relations have been established in different countries. In universities and other higher centres of learning and excellence courses are being covered on international relationship and peace to raise the level of information of people about international affairs.

Various committees have been constituted at the international level to improve international relations and understanding. International cooperation is essential for reduction of international relations.

A democratic and dynamic approach of understanding and good will, more and more education on international affairs and relations are essential factors reduce further international tensions and conflicts and improve international relations.

Each country however big or small should develop a democratic attitude towards other countries. Dictatorial attitude towards economically under-developed countries is not conducive to good international relationship, pressure is bad. Visits and discussions of heads of states and officials of the countries having international tension help in reducing international tension and producing better understanding.

The question of nuclear power has become the focal issue now. Nations do not want to have comprehensive atomic energy tests. Those who have already nuclear power do not want those not having nuclear power to make atomic tests. Similarly those who do not have nuclear power favour nuclear disarmament.

Also countries having strong nuclear power are now attempting to lay down a law to perpetuate their nuclear legemany and a regime of nuclear apartheid which India can not countenance. India last year opposed the comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) and refused to sign.

After the Pokhran nuclear test in May 1998 economic sanctions were imposed on India by big powers like USA, UK, China and France etc. Of course after due discussions at diplomatic levels most of these sanctions have been withdrawn. In the UNO Prime Minister of India in his address on 24.9.98 has emphasized that nuclear disarmament is necessary.
