In this article we will discuss about the positive and adverse effects of human behaviour on environment.

Positive Effects of Human Behaviour on Environment:

When people do something environment friendly, the environmental condition improves. For example, many cultured, educated and environment friendly persons, N.G.O.s and governmental organisations take active steps to improve the environment by reducing and preventing environmental pollution.

Pro-environmental behaviour can not only reduce environmental pollution, but also reverse the process of environmental pollution in a constructive and positive manner. It can also stop the abuse of environment.

Observation of pro-environmental weeks, awareness among people to keep the environment free from pollution, active check on deforestation, and plantation of trees and plants on a regular basis by the public, private, government and non-government bodies can bring positive effect on the environment.

People who are concerned about the adverse effects of environmental pollution and really feel for it show positive attitude towards environmental protection and make conscious efforts in this direction. It is observed that pro-environmentalists do not throw garbage here and there, do not spit and urinate on the road side and in public places.

They also make active efforts for garbage disposals in such a way that it does not affect environment. Even such people complain when other people throw garbage here and there, cut trees indiscriminately, pollute atmosphere through smoking by emitting poisonous gas, coal dusts from coal mines, pollute water, make loud noises etc. Change in life style is also necessary to make the environment pollution-free.

A positive approach towards solving environmental problems helps in reducing pollution or saving the environment from pollution. Besides government efforts, public co-operation is essential in this regard. Without public support, pro-environmental behaviour and “save the environment” activities are not possible.

It is not a one man show. To promote and encourage pro-environmental behaviour, psychologists, sociologists, environmental scientists and many N.G.Os are trying their level best since several decades.

School children world-wide are also observing environmental weeks, thereby helping in its promotion. They are also taught to keep their surroundings neat and clean to prevent and control the damage to the environment through proper management of garbage and waste products.

Scientists, politicians, economists, doctors and Scientists, world-wide are also concerned about damage to the environment since it is a world-wide problem.

Adverse Effects of Human behaviour on Environment:

Human behaviour can either make or break, protect or destroy his environment. Man grows in the environment and lives in the environment. It is just like a mother to him.

But many a times be tries to destroy his own mother i.e., his environment either due to lack of knowledge and awareness or due to ignorance. Sometimes people destroy the environment for their own selfish interest, through deforestation, due to laziness like throwing garbages here and there, instead of putting it in the dustbin.

Many people ply old vehicles on the road which emit poisonous gas. Many industrialists start industries without taking steps to protect the environment. They even show a “dam care” attitude in this regard. When aggrieved people complain about it they show callous attitude. Only when people file a P.I.L (Public interest litigation) in the court of law, they take some action.

Though personal behaviour of a single individual like driving an old car, throwing garbage at unwanted place etc. contribute very little to environment pollution when such behaviour of many people are added up, the problem of environment pollution gets multiplied and severely affects human life.

Thus billions of people living on the mother earth affect the environment adversely through their anti-environmental behaviour.

Though immediate threats due to environment pollution is not perceived, it has long-term adverse effect on human beings. It is thus a fact that human actions are producing dangerous and harmful effects on the environment where we are born, and brought up and where we live and die.

Environment is like our mother which provides us with water, air, food, fuel and a place to live. Should we not protect it through our behaviour and action? Conservation and judicious use of the environment is necessary for the survival of plants and human beings on the earth.

If plants do not survive it becomes difficult for man to survive in a healthy manner. Without being aware of this truth, people go on destroying the forests day by day. This affects the weather, temperature, atmospheric conditions leading to more and more natural calamities.

Environment pollution makes people diseased, psychosomatic and mentally ill. Many people even do not know the consequences and bad impact of their negative behaviour towards environmental protection. They perhaps do not know that such small mistakes on their part threaten and destroy their own existence on this planet. We must understand that conservation of water and energy is necessary for living.

If there is wastage of water and energy in future we will not be able to manage and sustain our life. Many countries in the world are having serious water and fuel problems. Water shortage affects agriculture. If agriculture is affected what would we eat? If there is shortage of fuel how will we cook? Can anybody today imagine to live without electricity?

Today with the urbanisation, industrialisation and technological development, nobody can imagine managing without electricity, gas and twenty-four hour water supply. Our life style has changed. It has become complex and luxurious.

Hence unless protection of environment is done we cannot live in future as we are living today. The human civilisation and mankind will be smashed without protection of the environment. This truth howsoever unpleasant it may be, everybody has to accept and remember.

Management of sewage waste products and garbage have posed serious problem for the governments, municipalities and corporations. When our sewage disposals are flushed as it is into the rivers, they lead to water pollution and such water becomes unfit for human use.

Water of sacred rivers of the country like Ganga and Yamuna and many other river are now unfit for consumption because of pollution by human beings. This is really very sad. We know that there was public demand for “Ganga Bachao” and government is taking steps to depollute and disinfect such rivers to make the water fit for consumption.

Waste products also pose serious problems now and that is why in many states, use of polythene bags is banned. Steps are being taken in many states for recycling of the wastes like paper, glass, plastic and metal products. They can be reused through recycling and environment can be saved. But citizen awareness is necessary in this regard.

Due to pollution growth; over consumption and lack of resource conservation the environment is affected adversely. Because of our present way of living and behaving, harmful changes are taking place in the environment.

Therefore considerable changes are required in our cultural practices and style of living. To overcome this serious threat, we have to live in a simple manner. For example, instead of using sprays while taking bath, we have to be satisfied simply with water.

Instead of using Air-Conditioners, Fans, and Refrigerators which consume lot of energy, we have to follow the old way of living. We have to make the best use of environment through conservation, recycling, and disciplined and simple living.
