Archive | Attention

Top 2 Experiments on Attention | Experimental Psychology

List of top two psychological experiments on attention! Experiment # 1. Span of Attention – Visual: At any given moment there are several stimuli in the environment competing for our attention. However, our sense organs can respond to only a limited number of them at the same time. This limit is known as span of attention. The span varies from [...]

By |2018-03-09T07:23:43+00:00March 9, 2018|Attention|Comments Off on Top 2 Experiments on Attention | Experimental Psychology

Attention: 4 Major Conditions of Attention (with diagram)

Four major conditions of attention which refer to the duration and degree of attention are as follows: 1. Fluctuation of Attention 2. Distraction of Attention 3. Division of Attention 4. Span of Attention/Apprehension. There are four conditions of attention which refer to the duration and degree of attention. 1. Fluctuation of Attention: It appears for us that our attention can [...]

By |2015-04-30T16:20:03+00:00January 31, 2014|Attention|0 Comments
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