Archive | Emotion

Emotion: Characteristics and Its Functioning | Children

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Meaning and Definition of Emotions 2. Characteristics of Emotions 3. Functioning of Emotions in Life 4. Education of the Emotions. Meaning and Definition of Emotions: Each of the instinct has got a cognitive, conative and affective side. When a child faces a bull approaching him, he perceives and recognises the bull which [...]

By |2016-11-05T03:43:28+00:00November 5, 2016|Emotion|Comments Off on Emotion: Characteristics and Its Functioning | Children

List of 5 Specific Emotions | Children

Here is a list of five specific emotions. The emotions are: 1. Fear 2. Anger 3. Jealousy 4. Joy is One of the Positive Emotions 5. Affection is another Pleasant Emotion. Emotion # 1. Fear: Studies on children's fear show that maturation and learning play an important role in the expression of fear reactions. A large number of fear responses [...]

By |2016-11-05T03:43:28+00:00November 5, 2016|Emotion|Comments Off on List of 5 Specific Emotions | Children

Sentiments of an Individual | Psychology

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Meaning of Sentiments 2. Definitions of Sentiments 3. Characteristics 4. Sentiments and Other Dispositions 5. Types 6. Educational Value. Meaning of Sentiments: 1. Instincts and emotions are innate tendencies. But not all our conduct is based on our innate tendencies. On the basis of inner dispositions, some additional acquired dispositions are formed [...]

By |2016-11-05T03:43:28+00:00November 5, 2016|Emotion|Comments Off on Sentiments of an Individual | Psychology
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