Archive | Imagination

Top 7 Experiments on Imagination and Thinking | Experimental Psychology

List of top seven psychological experiments on imagination and thinking! Experiment # 1. Imagination an Unstructured Stimuli: Introduction: The formation of imagery is made possible because of the process of imagination. Imagination is an active psychological process by which we are able to have different sensory experiences in the absence of relevant stimuli. Our dreams, day dreams and also some [...]

By |2018-03-09T07:23:42+00:00March 9, 2018|Imagination|Comments Off on Top 7 Experiments on Imagination and Thinking | Experimental Psychology

Imagination: Meaning, Nature and Types | Psychology

After reading this article you will learn about Imagination:- 1. Meaning of Imagination 2. Nature of Imagination 3. Types 4. Imagination in the Child 5. Development 6. Role of Images in Mental life 7. Abnormalities. Contents: Meaning of Imagination Nature of Imagination Types of Imagination Imagination in the Child Development of Imagination The role of Images in Mental life Abnormalities [...]

By |2016-03-21T09:23:10+00:00March 21, 2016|Imagination|Comments Off on Imagination: Meaning, Nature and Types | Psychology

Imagination and Creative Art | Psychology

Imagination in Creative Art! Learn about:- 1. Creative Aesthetic Imagination 2. Artistic Insight 3. Social Factor. Creative Aesthetic Imagination: There is creative aesthetic imagination in inventive production. It must conform to the self-imposed condi­tions of the artist. For example, aesthetic imagination must conform to the rules of rhyme and rhythm in poetry and music. These rules are not to be [...]

By |2016-03-21T09:23:10+00:00March 21, 2016|Imagination|Comments Off on Imagination and Creative Art | Psychology
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