Archive | Instincts

Instincts in Children: Types and Characteristics | Psychology

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Definitions of Instincts 2. Types of Instincts 3. Characteristics 4. Methods 5. Instincts and Reflex Action 6. Instincts and Education. Contents: Definitions of Instincts Types of Instincts Characteristics of Instincts Methods of Instincts Training Instincts and Reflex Action Instincts and Education 1. Definitions of Instincts: Dr. Peckham and Mrs. Peckham have stated [...]

By |2018-03-31T08:00:16+00:00March 31, 2018|Instincts|Comments Off on Instincts in Children: Types and Characteristics | Psychology

Instinct in Children: 14 Types | Psychology

In this article we will discuss about fourteen major types of instincts seen in individuals. The instincts are: 1. Escape 2. Combat 3. Repulsion 4. Parental Instinct 5. Appeal 6. Sex 7. Curiosity 8. Submission 9. Self-Assertion 10. Gregariousness or Herd Instinct 11. Food Seeking 12. Acquisition 13. Constructiveness 14. Laughter. 1. Escape: Every creature loves its own life, and [...]

By |2018-03-31T08:00:16+00:00March 31, 2018|Instincts|Comments Off on Instinct in Children: 14 Types | Psychology

Instincts: Purpose and Theories | Children

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Definition of Instincts 2. Nature of Instincts 3. Purposes 4. Theories 5. Classification 6. Modification. Definition of Instincts: The word 'instinct' is derived from the Latin word 'Instinctus', meaning to instigate to motivate'. Subsequently, it was used in the sense of any natural endowment which enabled a living organism to respond in [...]

By |2016-11-05T03:43:28+00:00November 5, 2016|Instincts|Comments Off on Instincts: Purpose and Theories | Children
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