The following points highlight the six main factors responsible for poor mental health. The factors are: 1. Heredity 2. Physical health 3. Physical defers 4. Role of the family 5. Role of the society 6. Role of the school.
1. Heredity:
A child with poor heredity has a low IG. He may be having a feeble mind which will not enable him to good mental health. He may also inherit some mental diseases which may disturb his mental health.
2. Physical health:
A normal physical health leads to a normal mental health. We say “sound mind in a sound body”. Persons of poor health have a poor approach towards life and hence cannot adjust to new situations due to lack of mental balance. They can possibly change with the changing situations.
3. Physical defers:
Any physical deformity leads to a social stigma. This creates a sense of inferiority complex in the mind of the child. This leads to frustration and aggression on by the child. This also disturbs the mental balance of the child. He is not able to adjust himself to various social situations.
4. Role of the family:
A good fairly is the cradle of all social virtues.
However, under bad family conditions this is not possible for the following reasons:
(a) Family:
There are not strong
In the past family tries were very strong. The child used to get various types of training in the family. But in the present families the child is deprived of love and affection. This leads to mental frustration of the child which disturbs the mental health.
(b) Discipline:
In Indian families, today we find that in some families there is an excessive rigid discipline and in some there is very poor discipline. Poor discipline is generally found in poor families. It is the due development of the personality of the child.
(c) Family poverty:
Poverty in the family is a curse. It leads to various types of frustrations to various members. The child is the worst sufferer. He feels insecure and comes to have various types of complexes and loses his self-confidence.
(d) Family conflicts:
Another aspect of family is conflicts between the parents and between brothers. Such a conflicting situation when observed by child affect the mental makeup of the child. He develops frustration which leads to mental imbalances.
(e) Lack of security:
Children want that they should be loved by their parents. This brings about emotional security for them. If this love is missing, they feel insecure, ignore their home and develop various types of mental complexes leading to mental imbalances.
5. Role of the society:
Man is a social animal. The child has his birth and growth in the society. His mind is also influenced by the prevailing social forces conditions lead to mal adjustment of the child. Other important social factors which influence the children are social and religion conflicts, high disparity between the rich and the poor and the problem of untouchability. There brings about mental tension and leads to loss of mental health.
6. Role of the school:
The school atmosphere, methods of teaching, the examination system, etc. determine the mental health in the following manner:
(a) School atmosphere:
This includes lack of respect for children, absence of individual attention, limited number of an annual activities, an atmosphere of fear and tense situation, lead to mental tension of the child and injure his mental health.
(b) School curriculum:
Present education is subject-centred curriculum which becomes a burden on the child and does not allow him the freedom that he wants.
(c) Method of teaching:
If the teacher uses traditional methods they restrict the liberty of the child and do not allow for the healthy growth of his mental abilities.
(d) Examination system:
The essay type of examination encourages guess worth and rote memory. It also encourages the child to work hard near the examinations. These put on under strain on the physical and mental development of the child.
(e) A pathy of the teacher:
The child expects love and affection from the teacher. If the teacher shows an unsympathic attitude and does not try to meet the due requirements of the child. He becomes hostile and comes to some mental problems disturbing his balance of mind.