Notes on Signs and Symptoms Indicating Poor Mental Health !

There are some characteristics shown by people who do not fit into this category or the category of mental illness.

These are the signs and symptoms indicating poor mental health.

If not noticed or neglected the individual will slip into the state of mental illness. Some of the common signs are:

a. For unnecessary or no apparent reason the person shows exaggerated or unusual feelings, emotions and responses repeatedly for a long duration like 2-3 weeks. They include: Feelings of dissatisfaction, irritability, worry, crying, etc.

Emotional disturbances like sadness, anxiety, happiness Mood changes-excitement or depression.

Interest- lack of interest in personal hygiene and surroundings.

b. Change in behaviour like-lethargy, immobility, inactiveness.

c. Frequent physical complaints such as headache, indigestion, nausea.

d. Inability to adjust with people and situations.

e. Unwanted thoughts coming to mind such as suicidal ideas, aggression, attack, repetition of acts, etc.

f. Insomnia (sleeplessness) for long time, night mares, memory, attention and concentration problems, etc.

These unusual behaviours are observed by person himself and reported or observed by people in the family or surroundings.

The discomfort experienced by the person himself is often the most obvious sign of that something is wrong. Such a subjective distress is very important sign of approaching mental disorder. Of course, the absence of subjective distress can also be a sign of disorder. While the presence of distress may signal some disorders, the absence of distress may signal other kinds of disorders.
