This article throws light upon the eleven major areas of individual difference. The areas are: 1. Physical Difference 2. Mental Differences 3. Difference in Intelligence 4. Difference in Interests 5. Difference in Attitudes 6. Difference in Aptitude 7. Difference in Achievement 8. Personality Difference 9. Emotional Differences 10. Social Differences 11. Racial and Cultural Differences.
Individual Difference in Psychology: Area # 1.
Physical Difference:
Man differs in his physical developments structurally and functionally. These differences are seen in height, weight size of the body, structure of different parts of the body, color of hair, skin, physical strength and precision.
Individual Difference in Psychology: Area # 2.
Mental Differences:
Mental difference are noticed in the form of perception, concept formation, imagination, formation of imaging, memory and attention.
Individual Difference in Psychology: Area # 3.
Difference in Intelligence:
Difference in intelligence level is seen in individuals into different categories such as genius, gifted, superior, bright, averages, imbeciles and idiots on the basis of their intelligence level.
Individual Difference in Psychology: Area # 4.
Difference in Interests:
Interest differs from individual, to individual, man to woman, adolescent to adult, society to society and culture to culture. Every man has his own interest. Boys and girls greatly differ in their interests in choosing courses, books, pictures, games and dresses.
Individual Difference in Psychology: Area # 5.
Difference in Attitudes:
As far as attitudes are concerned man differs from other. A person has different attitude towards people, institution, customers and traditions, religions, and social phenomena. A man tells/ thinks the laws of society as good and bad depending on his attitude. Attitude forms in environment. Different persons have different attitudes towards casteism, religion, regionalism, linguism, political parties and administration.
Individual Difference in Psychology: Area # 6.
Difference in Aptitude:
An aptitude is any special ability that is possessed by an individual. Men differ their aptitude related to musical, poetic, mechanical, artistic, games and sports etc.
Individual Difference in Psychology: Area # 7.
Difference in Achievement:
Individual differs from others due to his achievement in various fields of life related to academic, social, mental, emotional, moral, spiritual and intellectual. This depends on previous experiences. Sometimes it is seen that one can achieve much more than what is expected from them on the basis of their intelligence level.
Individual Difference in Psychology: Area # 8.
Personality Difference:
Person differs from other person due to his personality traits, temperaments, qualities and behaviour. It is exhibited that some persons are extroverts and some are introverts which are manifested by their activities.
Individual Difference in Psychology: Area # 9.
Emotional Differences:
In case of emotions one differs from other. Some persons loose their emotions and some persons do not loose their emotions. It is observed that someone controls his emotions and others get irritate very quickly. On the other hand one has the ability to control the emotions with patience and tolerance. In some cases listening the serious facts one may start shading tears.
Individual Difference in Psychology: Area # 10.
Social Differences:
Some social factors like co-operation, sacrifices, leadership, marriage ceremony, any social function one individual differs from others in performing the social functions. Someone feel hesitate to mix with others where as some are shy and fail to mix with strangers.
Individual Difference in Psychology: Area # 11.
Racial and Cultural Differences:
It is seen that race and culture also bring about differences among the individuals. It depends in geophysical and geo-hydrological influences. So German people are brave and Russian people are tall. Besides this one differs from others in case of food habits, dress habits, speech and in other social traditions.