Archive | Individual Differences

Defense Mechanisms used by an Individual | Psychology

List of fifteen important defense mechanisms used by an individual:- 1. Compensation 2. Rationalization 3. Projection 4. Identification 5. Substitution 6. Sublimation 7. Repression 8. Regression 9. Negativism 10. Sympathism 11. Withdrawal 12. Fantasy or Day-Dreaming 13. Reaction Formation 14. Introjection 15. Acting Out. Defense Mechanism # 1. Compensation: When an individual attempts to make up for a deficiency by [...]

By |2016-08-17T10:46:04+00:00August 17, 2016|Individual Differences|Comments Off on Defense Mechanisms used by an Individual | Psychology

Individual Differences: Meaning and Causes | Educational Psychology

After reading this article you will learn about the Individual Differences:- 1. Meaning of Individual Differences 2. Causes of Individual Differences 3. Educational Implications. Meaning of Individual Differences: Dissimilarity is principle of nature. No two persons are alike. All the individuals differ from each other in many a respects. Children born of the same parents and even the-twins are not [...]

By |2016-06-18T08:25:40+00:00June 18, 2016|Individual Differences|Comments Off on Individual Differences: Meaning and Causes | Educational Psychology

11 Major Areas of Individual Difference | Educational Psychology

This article throws light upon the eleven major areas of individual difference. The areas are: 1. Physical Difference 2. Mental Differences 3. Difference in Intelligence 4. Difference in Interests 5. Difference in Attitudes 6. Difference in Aptitude 7. Difference in Achievement 8. Personality Difference 9. Emotional Differences 10. Social Differences 11. Racial and Cultural Differences. Individual Difference in Psychology: Area [...]

By |2016-06-18T08:25:40+00:00June 18, 2016|Individual Differences|Comments Off on 11 Major Areas of Individual Difference | Educational Psychology
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