Tag Archives | Development

How to Develop a Healthier Lifestyle? | Psychology

In this article we will discuss about how to develop a healthier lifestyle. Introduction to Healthier Lifestyle: Have you ever wondered why some individuals live to be more than one hundred years old, whereas most people live only sixty or seventy years? Studies of persons who live to be more than one hundred indicate that several factors may play a [...]

By |2018-04-24T10:27:02+00:00April 24, 2018|Lifestyle|Comments Off on How to Develop a Healthier Lifestyle? | Psychology

Concept of Development of Behaviour | Psychology

After reading this article you will learn about the general and psychoanalytic concept of development of behaviour in an individual. General Concept: Some psychologists are of the view that the process of development proceeds in definite stages. Such psychologists have postulated different stages of development like infancy, early childhood, late childhood, adolescence, adulthood etc. In fact the layman also uses [...]

By |2017-03-11T08:08:38+00:00March 11, 2017|Behaviour|Comments Off on Concept of Development of Behaviour | Psychology

Main Stages of Development of an Individual: 4 Stages | Psychology

The following points highlight the four main stages of development of an individual. The stages are: 1. Period of Infancy 2. Period of Early Childhood 3. Late Childhood or Pre-Adolescence 4. Adolescence. Stage # 1. Period of Infancy: We may call the first three years of life as the period of infancy. We may recapitulate the same: a. Physical Development: [...]

By |2016-11-05T03:43:28+00:00November 5, 2016|Growth and Development|Comments Off on Main Stages of Development of an Individual: 4 Stages | Psychology
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