Tag Archives | Experiments

Top 2 Experiments on Attention | Experimental Psychology

List of top two psychological experiments on attention! Experiment # 1. Span of Attention – Visual: At any given moment there are several stimuli in the environment competing for our attention. However, our sense organs can respond to only a limited number of them at the same time. This limit is known as span of attention. The span varies from [...]

By |2018-03-09T07:23:43+00:00March 9, 2018|Attention|Comments Off on Top 2 Experiments on Attention | Experimental Psychology

Top 9 Experiments on Sensation | Experimental Psychology

List of top nine psychological experiments on sensation! Experiment # 1. Laws of Colour Mixture: The objects that we see in our daily life can be broadly grouped as coloured or chromatic and colourless or achromatic. The presence or absence of colour is due to property of the light waves which emerge from the object and stimulate our eyes. This [...]

By |2018-03-09T07:23:43+00:00March 9, 2018|Sensations|Comments Off on Top 9 Experiments on Sensation | Experimental Psychology

Experiments on Feelings & Emotions | Experimental Psychology

List of psychological experiments on feeling and emotions! Experiment # 1. Bodily Changes in Emotions (Demonstration Experiment): Reference was made to the role of bodily changes in emotions and the controversy which raged around this. Since the time James and Lange formulated their theory, these changes have been studied by many psychologists. Also, as already pointed out, such a study [...]

By |2018-03-09T07:23:42+00:00March 9, 2018|Feeling|Comments Off on Experiments on Feelings & Emotions | Experimental Psychology
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