Tag Archives | Socialisation

The Process of Socialisation | Behavior | Psychology

After reading this article you will learn about the process of socialisation. The human infant at birth is certainly born with certain innate capacities which will ensure its survival provided the minimum support from the environment is available, mostly biological. But these capacities to react to various stimulations from the environment, take quite some time to develop, and so do [...]

By |2017-03-11T08:31:05+00:00March 11, 2017|Behaviour|Comments Off on The Process of Socialisation | Behavior | Psychology

Importance of Occupational Socialization

The importance of occupation as a socializing influence is eloquently brought out by W.E. Moore, in the following words: "Of the many roles or roles constellations that the modern adult is called upon to perform, few exceed in importance, the acquisition of requisite skills and attitude for occupation. In modernized societies occupation represents a central place in life organisation, for [...]

By |2017-03-11T08:08:38+00:00March 11, 2017|Socialization|Comments Off on Importance of Occupational Socialization

Top 5 Mechanisms Used in the Process of Socialization | Psychology

This article throws light upon the top five mechanisms involved in the process of socialization. The mechanisms are: 1. Role-Play 2. Imitation 3. Identification 4. Internalisation 5. Empathy & Sympathy. Mechanism # 1. Role-Play: The reader as a child, must have undoubtedly imagined at some time that he was a doctor, sometimes a teacher, sometimes a bus conductor, sometimes a [...]

By |2017-03-11T08:08:37+00:00March 11, 2017|Socialization|Comments Off on Top 5 Mechanisms Used in the Process of Socialization | Psychology
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